Romans vs CarthaginiansPosted by Jake Woodnutt on Thu 6th Oct 2016 @ 12:59 pm
We were lucky enough to see the very impressive Romans vs Carthaginians festival in Cartagena last month. I had heard of General Hannibal and his Elephants, crossing the alps with 100,000 infantry, 12,000 horseman and, they reckon, about 40 elephants to attack Rome. We learned that he was actually from Cartagena. His and his army's efforts marching to attack Rome left Cartagena vulnerable and defenceless. This week of festivities was about exactly that.

I took with my my Canon 5D mark ii
24-70mm f2.8 lens Used lots
50mm f1.4 Used quite a lot
70-200mm f4. Never used
There was a huge amount of effort put into all the uniforms throughout the
2 day sailing holiday to Guernsey on A Roamer of AlderneyPosted by Jake Woodnutt on Sun 28th Sep 2014 @ 11:39 am
Cracking sail down to Guernsey on my little boat 'A Roamer of Alderney' I just love the lifestyle of Alderney, How on your two days off that you can jump on your boat and go to another island for the night, and it to only cost £15 for the harbour fee!

Barefoot Boat Bums! Ep.1 from Benjamin Turner on Vimeo.

Traveling but more exciting- Arriving!Posted by Jake Woodnutt on Thu 20th Feb 2014 @ 6:51 am
From the storms of force 10 winds and snow in the UK to 35 degrees+. I left Alderney on the 6th February. Was worrying for days that my flight from Alderney to Southampton would be delayed and miss my connecting flight to Dublin. Rather jumping on an earlier flight I decided to risk it on the day. There was only a small window of opportunity when the wind dropped enough that the flight managed to take off. I arrived in Dublin in the evening and very much enjoyed my 10 days there, although I had the heat of Australia to look forward to, I didn't really want to leave. Was very cold in Dublin though! I had only really packed shorts and t-shirts for Australia and it started snowing! Got some very weird looks when walking to the shop in shorts as the snow was settling.

I arrived in London at about 8pm and sat up all night drinking coffee and watching films getting myself in Aussie time to prevent jet lag... Was so tired when my flight came around at 10am that I slept for most of the 12 hour flight to Singapore. I stayed in Singapore for 2 hours before jumping on my next flight (5 hours) to Perth. A good friend of mine, Meggie picked me up from the airport and had a very chilled evening with a BBQ.

In the morning we both went into town for a coffee and cake. I have always heard that the Aussies make the best coffee, I have only had one and it was seriously good!
Went down to the beach today for a drink, beautiful sight of white sands and blue water. Sand so hot sometimes you have to run to the water to prevent your feet burning- Love it!
Singapore Airlines plane, Great airline!
This cafe makes amazing coffee! and Cake!
My first Australian Beach. White sand and blue water... And Probably sharks..
What an awesome sight.
My Last Photos from New Zealand. Enjoy!Posted by Jake Woodnutt on Wed 6th Mar 2013 @ 7:43 pm
So this is my last post from my travels around New Zealand. Met loads of awesome people and saw some incredible places. I hope you enjoyed my posts from my trip and keep you eye out for more posts from all the portrait shoots i have lined up!
My surf board.
The cat caught a gecko. I rescued it in return for a photo
Distant relations who kindly put me up for a couple of nights on my travels.
Auckland airport
Departures :(
Me and my plane
Free slippers in the VIP lounge
Free food!
Guangzhou airport
Bumped up to the VIP lounge the second time this trip. Loving life.
Cold morning in Coventry
Focus on Imaging show at the NEC in Birmingham
Ahhh, So thats why the equipment is so expensive!
Raglan and coming to the end of my travels :(Posted by Jake Woodnutt on Thu 28th Feb 2013 @ 5:21 am
Coming to the end of my travels now. After surfing Taranaki I went up to Raglan to search for more waves. Bad decision. There was no swell. Although the people were awesome and always up for a laugh. Stayed there for 4 nights before heading back up to Whangarei where I am going to surf the East coast for a few days before heading down to Auckland to catch my flight. Sad times, I really don't want to leave.
Bon appetit! Fresh moules collected from the beach of Raglan and a nice cold Corono. Heav
Raglan surf shop
Beautiful town.
My necklace I made in Rotoua.
Sevastian- awesome dude.